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location and contact listings:

AKA—location and contact information. A phrase identifying the types of information in three columns of a typical online document of the Global Registry of Contacts.

Location listings are stacked alphabetically in the left-hand column as shown. People as .network mission contacts are next listed alphabetically by (1) last name in relationship to a stack of organization names in the right-hand column (2). Organizations are listed in alphabetical order by location. Select an about column(s) links for more information.

about column
location identity
(1) name of contact
(2) contact organization / annotations

It's important to understand that GRC online documents are organized to accommodate searches. Upon accessing a document showing the columns illustrated above, you would ideally see listed items linked so that you can select what you are interested in and move on directly to more information. For example, selecting a linked location identity typically moves you on to a location profile or the website of a location data supplier.

Unfortunately the ideal doesn't exist. Many items that are available to be linked—that you would expect to be linked—are not. Also links often become broken over time. No-links and broken links seemingly leave you at a search dead end but that is not the case for GRC users willing to take advantage of the free support services we offer. Send a priority email if a link is missing or broken. We will respond to your request without cost or obligation.


related: .network GRC online document user guide

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FYI: define location and contact listings define location and contact information definition of location and contact listings definition of location and contact information for site selection what are location and contact listings what is location and contact information


Economic Development Services, Inc. / copyrights © and all rights reserved / 03/02/2012