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a summary of information or product of an analysis that reveals one or more attributes and/or descriptive features (characteristics) inherent in or ascribed to a person or a select group. In this case, profiling means making generalizations about a person or a group for identification purposes. Most definitions mention the aspect of creating a profile that produces an contour outline or form of silhouette of someone or something. Here the definition focuses on the aspect of profiling that serves the possibility of identifying someone at the point of encounter before actual contact. This glossary also has a definition of a profile that has to do with gathering information about locations for site selection purposes.

related: target; target audience; contact; location profile; prospect profile

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FYI: definition of profile" / contact profile vs location profile
<meta name="Keywords" content="define, profile, profiles, profiling, profiled, to profile, contact profile, profile contacts, profiled contact, summary profile, profile analysis, profiled attributes, profiled features, profiled characteristics, definition of what is an what is a what is


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