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search results page header:

. . . the page header of a document that reports items found when searching online. In the case of the enterprise and economic development network providing this glossary definition, search results page headers are red with search results help buttons in the center as shown by the example below. The button is linked to instructions for requesting FREE search assistance offered to help you avoid getting stuck at a search dead end.

The document that reports items found is called a search results page, i.e., when using the recommended tool for searching inside .network websites The SERP acronym identifies search results pages when using search engines, such as the customized Google Search the network has. SERP or SRP, either way reported search results change from search-to-search, however, headers typically remain the same throughout.

linked button
What is this page?

What is this page? You will see the question under the page header of a network search results page. It will be linked to information that is essentially the same as the definition of search results page header above. When SERPs generated by Google Search show the question it is typically linked to a webpage requesting sign up or sign in to Google AdSense.

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