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site location:

an alternative reference to site selection as location work; a locale chosen or targeted as a location during a site selection project; the part of an area where there is a defined piece of real estate, such as a greenfield site; a specific place within a geography.

related: location identity; site selection area; selection criteria; Search for a Location

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What is business location work?

operative or productive activity aimed at finding an acceptable location for expanding or relocating the operations of a business enterprise, or for starting up an entrepreneurial venture as a business. A search engine is provided below along with suggestions (in italics) for Googling the Web to find more information about business site selection as well as related location work such as industrial location work. Copy the suggested search terms to the search engine, keeping quotation marks intact.

define business location "site selection"
"site selection" business location "economic development"
"site selection" business location enterprise economic development
define industrial location "site selection"
"site selection" industrial location "industrial development"
"site selection" industrial location enterprise development
"enterprise and economic development" business industry location
"enterprise and economic development" industrial business location
site selection business
industrial site selection business
industrial site selection
"industrial development"


FYI: definition of site location work define site location work what is site location work definition of a site location define a site location work what is a site location definition of business location work define business location work what is site industrial work definition of industrial location work define industrial location work what is industry location


Economic Development Services, Inc. / copyrights © and all rights reserved / 02/09/2013