project status: offers a concise definition of project with synonyms. The Enterprise & Economic Development Glossary also defines project in general. The glossary slants its definitions toward enterprise and economic development projects as suggested the name.
Economic development projects bring . . . sustainability as well as growth opportunities (source of quote) to places . . . where people live, work, and share things in common (source of quote). The same is true for enterprise development projects. In addition the glossary definition of enterprise states the following in the context of sustainability: Enterprises are the primary providers of monetary resources necessary to support the community — the quote is in part attributed to an online article titled Economic Vitality and Sustainability, a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC resource.
Enterprise and economic development projects include quality initiatives, continuous improvement, continual improvement, pursuits of higher levels of excellence and responses to voice of the customer — all synchronous with enterprise development projects. The high profile projects for locations seeking enterprise and economic development are generally those involving site selection. A representatives of a location is likely to be interested in knowing the status of the project of opportunity.
Project status: 3 simple ways to identify the status of a project

Tentative . . . exploratory project — one that may not move to preliminary status depending upon findings. During this state information, such as business intelligence and location data, may be informally gathered from a network or resource and service provider contacts. It is unlikely that there will be fieldwork to investigate at the tentative project stage, except when the opportunity to do so is local. Tentative projects of certain companies on the move may to discreetly activated. One way they protect things confidential is to hire a management consultant. It might be said, for example by a location data supplier, that tentative site selection projects produce suspects.

Preliminary . . . basically a period for determining whether a full-fledged project is to be activated or if it is practical and worthwhile to continue with an enterprise development or economic development plan. Such projects are more conditional than those labeled as active because certain assumptions are made. If assumptions don't turn out not to be true or if things change during the course of the preliminary project, it will likely be shelved.
Various users of the network are likely to be dealing with confidential information as teams project teams are formed. A preliminary project will surely have some specifications (or selection criteria in the case of a site selection project) and likely not be operated out of a contingency fund as might be the case with a tentative project. More information is exposed to outsiders as a preliminary project gets underway. Savvy business decision makers focus more intently on risk management as projects move from tentative to preliminary.
Preliminary projects produces a prospects for places seeking enterprise and economic development opportunities. A project profile makes it easier for those from whom assistance is needed (resource and service providers) to respond effectively.

Active . . . a project guided by a timeline with benchmark points for getting things done. Time is of essence such that the preliminary project stage activities are ratcheted up in intensity, for example, in site selection project dealings between prospects and places of interest. In the case of such projects, competing locations may become aggressive in arranging and offering incentives. Alert communities on the loosing end of site selection projects, aka relocation projects, may scramble to match or trump what is being offered elsewhere.