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place of interest:

. . . in general, a place, locale, location, property, site, area or the like that has your curiosity to the extent that you want or need to know more about it.

In terms of enterprise and economic development, a place, locale, location, property, site, area or the like that has the attention of various core users of the share network in which you found this definition — acronym: POI.

A POI can be a target location among a number of places of interest. The glossary definition of drive time, as related to site selection, contains the following quote which refers to finding places of interest for a business decision maker to consider as he leads a company on the move by initiating an enterprise development project: We need to find a location within an hour's drive time from this city's commercial airportmore info.

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Economic Development Services, Inc. -- copyrights © and all rights reserved / 05/26/2014