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United Nations (UN) / enterprise and economic development

The UN is an ... international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace (source of quote). Search for more information and UN resources using the search tools of the Enterprise and Economic Development Library. This page is a library supplement with brief explanations of certain resources of the organization that are of interest to .network users.

The quote in the above paragraph lists economic development as a interest of the UN. The expression. enterprise and economic development, is tied to United Nations above that. The connection is made because throughout the world enterprise development brings about economic development, two processes of .network mission. Also, the relationship seems to be implied by existance of the Investment and Enterprise Division of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


... a program established by UNCTAD to facilitate cooperation for bringing about enterprise and economic development through entrepreneurial startups. The program is housed in UNCTAD's Investment and Enterprise Division with a focus on ... the creation of sustainable small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Empretec works to support entrepreneurs to build innovative and internationally competitive SMEs (source of quote) The .network glossary has a definition of SME. Also, its definition of driving force quotes an online UNCTAD publication titled Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: The Empretec Showcase.


... acronym for United Nations Conference on Trade and Development which ... promotes the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy (source of quote). The OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms offers a definiton of developing countiies.

CLICK HERE for a list of the types of directories of interest to the .network users.



project basics

The basic steps of an enterprise development projects that involve site selection are ...

1. Make a Plan / plan includes organizing selection criteria

2. Activate / begin project work in one of 3 stages

3. Contacts / resource and service providers include location data suppliers

4. Gather Information / business decision makers need continuous inflow

5. Analyze / ongoing process of eliminating options (comparative analysis)

6. Field Work / inspections and conformations of facts, offers, promises, etc.

7. Risk Analysis / a continuous analysis process of intense focus at final stage.


Resource and service providers want to know project status as site selection project managers and business decision makers involved as enterprise developers approach them for assistance and to begin building working relationships. It may be simple enough and acceptable to present project status as being one of the following: (1) tentative, (2) preliminary, or (3) active. Scroll down for more information.

Project: tentative status

... means that information is needed make a risk analysis before funding or fully funding the planned project. The project may be shelved for reexamination at a later date or abandoned completely if the top business decision maker determines that its not worth the risk. An enterprise developer may hire a consultant at this stage. For example, a site selection consultant may be hired to gather information and do a comparative analysis of places of interest. Consultants are likely to be accepted by their network of location data suppliers as having preliminary or active projects, especially if they do field work.

Today's approach to site selection has changed much from the time before the Internet. Consultants can now do much of their preliminary work of gathering location data online. Also, enterprise developers can now gather information from directly online from location data suppliers who are area and local development representatives. The collateral material they may seek about places seeking economic development are referred to as location profiles or community profiles. Also, fulfillment packages can be requested online.

Project: preliminary status

... means that enough of the elements of a full-blown project are organized to begin identifying potential resource and service providers as well as making contact with certain ones who are allies and advisors to brief. Those who are engaged in enterprise and economic development activities know the value of project networks.

A preliminary project has a projected time-line for accomplishing certain objectives.

Savvy enterprise developers make plans for protecting confidentiality confidential information before entering the preliminary stage. It is not unusual in competitive situations for the identity of the enterprise to be withheld from outsiders, nevertheless, it is important that enough convincing information, such as selection criteria in the case of a site selection project) be made available to resource and service providers so that they are responsive.

The point is made under tentative project status about using the Internet. A project at the preliminary stage can continue to be worked online but the shift is made from simply gathering information to building and maintaining working relationships with contacts.

The enterprise and economic development network you are using provides resources for finding and establishing working relationships with resource and service providers.

Project: active status

... means that the project is full-blow to the extent that it is being worked with a complete set of specifications or site selection criteria. Also, the progress of an active project is measured by a time-line with benchmark points for achieving specified objectives. Active in this case means time is of the essence. benchmark points.

The information gathering process shifts to fieldwork. Analysis of information moves quickly into the hands of decision makers if they are not, in fact, actually working hands on with the active projects. For example, a hired management advisor working as a site selector typically makes one or more preliminary reports from doing comparative analyses in order for the enterprise developer to create short-list ever shorter lists of places of interest. The experienced enterprise developer is keen on risk management and continuously evaluates the project. As mentioned under preliminary status above, one concern that an alert business decision maker has is continuous protection of things confidential. Lingering in the back of mind is the old war adage ... loose lips sink ships.

marker This page is under development. We regret the inconvenience

The project profiles that either contains or covers specifications is the most important element of the information that an enterprise developer provides to resource and service providers when requesting introductions, proposals or other input. It defines the scope of the project. In the case of a site selection project specifications are a set of selection criteria.

The Network also enjoys support through financial contributions from users wanting it to see it continue as an online information service the way it was originally introduced ... open access. Contributors don't buy in to control or influence operations, only to assure that there is a B2B enterprise on the Web as a share network for enterprise and economic development.

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whereas also overall business plan of the enterprise is accomplished or, conversely, when it something happens so that it no longer serves the plan. It is suggested at the end of the above 5-step overview of an enterprise development project that it be continuously monitored in order to make decisions about its feasibility status. A project may be brought to an unhappy end by outsiders when there is a failure to protect confidential plans and activities.

A project ends

... when, for example, the final benchmark of its time-line is successfully reached and the top-level enterprise developer as decision maker says so. The progress of a project may cease at it goes on the shelf, a action that ends it permanently or temporarily. The longer a project is placed on the shelf the more useless information, analyses, and decisions become. Enterprise development projects invariably die on the shelf.

Various types of announcements are made when projects or certain parts of them come to a successful end. A site selection project comes to end when a location is chosen and all of the deals surrounding it are finalized; i.e., the site is chosen and secured. It may be referred to as a economic development project by community leaders of the chosen location and announced as an investment. The number of jobs created in the local economy may be a part of the announcement. Later, the project may be announced again at ground breaking. When a construction project is completed and its time for the enterprise operation to startup, a ribbon cutting may take place as a form of announcement. The example sequence of announcements is familiar to those who are engaged in the enterprise and economic development process.



This page shows examples of of keywords and phrases used in demonstrating searches applicable to carrying out the .network mission. Move directly (page up) to an explanation followed by links (demo) on a list of text suggestions for searching scattered throughout The Network. To access more information about this page, CLICK HERE.



Googling means using the Google search engine to obtain information from the World Wide Web. When the word doesn't begin with a capital letter, it's a generic term for searching.

The etymology of the expression or verb usage (google, googling, googled) comes from Google. The Google trade mark is displayed in Appendix I of the Enterprise and Economic Development Glossary linked for more information.

Using the search engine above you Google the Web, meaning that it is the actual Google search engine. Specifically, it's the Google/.network search engine.
The list below shows some of keywords and combinations that are suggested for use in searching as a user of The Network interested in its mission. You copy and paste to the search engine at the top of this page or select the demo (demonstration) link to learn more about a specific line of italicized text. The definition of resource archive from the Enterprise and Economic Development Glossary offers more guidance on searching. After reviewing several text lines you will see a page up link which returns you to this paragraph.

Search the Web for ...
spacer[demo] area development regional contacts (identify a location)
spacer[demo] available building (identify a location)

spacer[demo] basic economic development course
spacer[demo] basics fundamentals resources "economic development
spacer[demo] business services (identify a location)
spacer[demo] "chamber of commerce" (identify a location)
spacer[demo] China development contacts
spacer[demo] Chinese industry development zones"
spacer[demo] major city-regions global list
spacer[demo] "so, what have you done for your community today?"
spacer[demo] "what have you done for your community lately?"

spacer[demo] [page up] community development (identify a location)
spacer[demo] economic development contacts global (for example: Asia)
spacer[demo] economic development (identify a location)
spacer[demo] economic development job creation
spacer[demo] enterprise and economic development resources services
spacer[demo] enterprise development guide resources help
spacer[demo] enterprise economic "change and development"
spacer[demo] enterprise economic development definition "job creation"
spacer[demo] global development contacts
spacer[demo] incubation business starting
spacer[demo] [page up] industrial modernization economic development
spacer[demo] industrial modernization enterprise development
spacer[demo] international enterprise development site selection resources
spacer[demo] international trade development (identify a location)
spacer[demo] local development (identify a location)
spacer[demo] labor management problems
spacer[demo] labor shed / commute shed (identify a location)
spacer[demo] limits to growth expanding markets
spacer[demo] "entrepreneurial failure" "failure rate" overcome
spacer[demo] political economic development model
spacer[demo] [page up] relocation services (identify a location)
spacer[demo] "risk management" enterprise development risk risky business
spacer[demo] rural development (identify a location)
spacer[demo] rural economic development
spacer[demo] site selection global regions (identify a location / identify a region)
spacer[demo] site selection guide entrepreneur small business
spacer[demo] site selection region (identify a location)
spacer[demo] site selection resources (identify a location)
spacer[demo] site selector as site seeker
spacer[demo] small business development services location
spacer[demo] [page up] technology small business enterprise economic development
spacer[demo] underdeveloped countries / underdeveloped regions nations
spacer[demo] United Nations economic social development (identify a location)
spacer[demo] western economic development model

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Economic Development Services, Inc. / 11/2/11 / copyrights © and all rights reserved